Allah SWT is the best of planners!

On Monday around midnight my contractions started. I got quite excited, and started noting down the time of each contraction. I did my Isha salah and felt like it might be my last one so did as much duas as possible. I started breathing deeply through each contraction. By 2 o'clock I was quite sure this is definitely contraction and told my husband to wake up. I was too excited getting all the towels, plastic sheet, baby clothes etc out. I called my friend to come over just in case we need to rush to the hospital. My children (3 & 2 years) were sleeping quite peacefully so we didn't want to disturb them. By fajr time I was still in pain but not sign of show or water breaking! I felt quite disappointed but kept using my birth ball and read duas and deep breathing. DH didn't want to go to work but I told him it may take some time before I am in established labour so there is no point missing work. I sent my friend back and told her I will call if I need her. Around 9 in the morning my mum called to tell me she is on her way to my place with my youngest sister. My dad dropped them off before going to work. I didn't want them to worry so I didn't tell them I was having contractions. But by 11 the pain was quite bad so I went to have a warm bath. It did relax me a lot alhamdulillah. However when the contractions were coming back every 10 minutes it was really painful, no matter how warm the water was, I was feeling every bit of it! I called my midwife and asked her whether I should go to the hospital. She said to come when the contractions are five minutes apart. It just sounded so stupid. She said not to come as my ones were 10 minutes apart! I went to the bath again just to ease my pain. At 11:30 my water broke! As soon as the water broke, I felt huge pressure around the cervix. I just couldn’t lie down anymore. I called the ambulance, alhamdulillah had my mobile with me :-) the 999 lady said not to cross my legs and move from the bath. I told my mum to put the plastic sheets and the towels on my bedroom floor and move my children downstairs and don't come to my room. The 999 lady was asking me to get somebody there to help me deliver the baby but I just didn't want my mum or my friend to be there seeing me delivering my baby! Alhamdulillah I managed to get dressed and run to the bedroom. Got my mobile on speaker and followed the instructions given by the 999 lady. Her name is Abbey. May Allah swt bless you Abbey! :-)

I felt the top of the head at 11:35 and tried to press softly upward to avoid tearing as it gives time for the cervix to stretch. My baby's head felt quite big that's why I didn't want to lie down. The lady was asking me to lie down on my back but I was confident that squatting is the best position for me to give birth. I saw my baby's head coming out in the cupboard mirror in front of me. That was the ‘transition’ moment for me! The pain was really excruciating, I screamed really loud as I felt like I am going to explode!!! Within seconds my baby's head and then body was out. Then I sat down and held him close to my chest, alhamdulillah the cord was not around the neck and I used the towels to clean him! The 999 lady said now I can just wait for the paramedics to arrive and do the rest. My baby cried as soon as he was out and that was a big relief. So at 11:40 my baby was born Alhamdulillah. I was shaking but I was feeling so relieved as well thinking it's over now! I had a real natural birth alhamdulillah. My prayers were answered! I delivered my placenta naturally as well as I declined having any injection to speed up the process. I cut the cord as well. The midwives arrived in half an hour to do the rest and alhamdulillah I was also able to start breastfeeding just right after birth. I still can't believe what a birth experience I had subhanallah! I have been reading a lot about natural birth, homebirth, unassisted birth, hypno-birth, birth within techniques, etc. I did believe lot of the concepts but wasn't sure whether I would be able to implement the lessons. I kept making dua to Allah swt as I really wanted a very natural birth. I hated my hospital birth and wanted to avoid it at any cost. The second birth was also at home but the paramedics delivered my daughter for me. It was exactly two years ago. Alhamdulillah this time Allah swt made it possible for me to deliver again at home quite safely. I am also very lucky to have a very supportive partner who trusts me and respects my wishes. I am so glad to have my baby at home. Homebirth is the best Alhamdulillah! I am truly a believer now! Insha-Allah I will do reviews of all the books I have been reading through out my pregnancy as well as all the great sites, blogs, youtube videos I have been watching to learn about natural birth. I also would like to thank all my readers and friends for their prayers and best wishes. I am very lucky to have wonderful people like you in my life alhamdulillah! Jazakallah khairan :-)


mashAllah Allah is the best of planners! Your dua was answered. That is such a beautiful birth, I was actually crying. I am so very happy for you.
May Allah may him amongst the righteous! Ameen.

How big was he?
Anonymous said…
assalamu alaikum
alhamdhulillah I am so happy for you.
May Allah bless you and your family.
I dont know what to say. You are very courageous. No doubt you put your trust in Allah He makes the impossible possible. I have seen that happen in my life too.Do keep us in your duas.
Jazakallah khairan sisters :-)
Alhamdulillah his weight is 7lb 3oz
I believe we are absolutely helpless until Allah swt help us. Subhanallah. Moments like this makes us realize how much we are dependant on Him (swt)! La hawla wala quwwata illah billah.
Ferdous Sultana said…
Your experience preved that
if Allah wants, then nothing is impossible. Masha-allah you are a stong woman at heart anf you will insha-allah inspire many of us by your true and unique story of natural birth.


Ferdous Sultana
Assalaum alaikum dear sis, Jazakallah khairan for the lovely comments. Ameen to your beautiful wish. I hope through blogging I can inspire and motivate people to love Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.

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