Mum & Muslim anniversary issue alhamdulillah!
Alhamdulillah our M & M March/April issue is out now! I am so glad that we have managed to do 8 issues full of very informative articles, thanks to our precious writers and contributors. May Allah swt reward each and every person who directly and indirectly helped us so much! It is with great happiness that I can tell you that Mum and Muslim is one year old alhamdulillah! It seemed a long way away a year ago, but we are still going strong and getting more readers alhamdullilah! It is also thanks in a large part to you too, who have been avid readers and/or writers mashallah.
The new issue is out now with some very interesting articles. There is also a competition that we are running with a great charity, Algerian Action which I hope you can get your kids to enter.
Insha-Allah we hope to get bigger and better this year. We are working on getting a new look to the website and looking further ahead, we hope to have printed copies in the coming year inshallah. All this can only be achieved with the help of Allah (SWT) and you!
Insha-Allah we hope to get bigger and better this year. We are working on getting a new look to the website and looking further ahead, we hope to have printed copies in the coming year inshallah. All this can only be achieved with the help of Allah (SWT) and you!
Please do keep us in your duas and spread the link! And also if you are on Facebook do join our group.
Mum And Muslim E-mag A better upbringing, A better life!