First Ten Days of Dhul-Hijjah.. more blessed than last ten days of Ramadan!
Assalamu alaikum my dear readers and fellow bloggers, I haven't been blogging for more than a month now. My son has started nursery so I am quite busy with all the school run alhamdulillah. I have to get three of them fed and ready by 12:30 and get there by 1. I walk there , carrying my baby in a sling and my daughter in the push chair and my big boy walks with me alhamdulillah. Sometimes he does get a bit tired but I just keep reminding him that he is a strong boy mashallah :-) I return home by 1:15 or 1:20 and again at 3:15 I leave for the school. By 4 or 4:15 we are home. So Monday to Friday this has become a routine for us. Sometimes it does feels like a mission impossible especially when the weather is not that walk-friendly but I just try to keep reminding myself that Insha-Allah I will be getting reward from Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala for every second of struggle I am going through to raise our children Insha-Allah! So as you can see this is my (not so valid) 'ex...