
Showing posts from December, 2022

By time ! We are all in loss ...

Assalamu alaikum dear readers , I hope everyone is reflecting on their life given today is the last day of year 2022. How quickly time is flying! I feel sad. I don't understand why some people tend to celebrate the new year . We are essentially getting closer to the end of our life on this earth. So what is the point of celebrating? I have been reflecting on the chapter of the Qur'an, Al Asr, where our Rabb reminds us that we all human beings are in loss ( are losers ) except the blessed, chosen ones who believe ( have faith in Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala), do good deeds on a regular basis, help and support each other through reminders from our beautiful faith to be patient, resilient, truthful, sincere believers for His sake. May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala enable us to be among these special people, ameen ! May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala guide us to the straight path, ameen ! I hope and pray that our Most Merciful Rabb will forgive our weaknesses and accept our deeds w...

New teachers in Year 2022

Another year is about to leave us. How quickly time is passing away subhanallah ! My Rabb has blessed me with numerous opportunities to learn about our beautiful faith alhamdulillah. I met a beautiful teacher at the start of the year, who has taught us quite a lot of seerah alhamdulillah but she had to stop the sessions due to family commitments.  I was also blessed with Umm Razi (Urdu) who teaches us one page of the Qur'an on a weekly basis alhamdulillah. She tries to explain the Qur'an with the Qur'an which is quite refreshing for me . Her style of teaching is helping me to approach the Qur'an in a different way. For example, at the moment I'm trying to study about the people of 'Ad and Thamud. I'm trying to find all the verses related to these people and try to build a overall picture of them and the lessons we can learn from them. Another technique that she uses is linking the seerah as the context of the verses in the Qur'an. She has jus...